Stay up to date with Texas House news and news about the campaign.
Time is Ticking: Watch Dennis London's Rally Speech Before You Vote!
Early voting starts next week, and the Primary is just 21 days away! If you missed our rally, catch Dennis London's impactful speech online now.
📺 Don't Wait, Watch Now!
This is your chance to hear what Dennis stands for and why your vote is pivotal in this election. With the future of Texas at stake, we cannot afford to stand by. Join Dennis in his fight to bring true conservative leadership to Austin.
Let's make every vote count. Real change starts from the bottom up, not the top down. Listen and learn how to multiply your vote and get the change you want in Austin.
Your vote is your voice—let's raise it loud and clear with Dennis London leading the charge!
Endorsement Alert!
Hear Dennis on the Mark Davis show this morning (January 4, 2023)
As most of you know by now, yesterday the Rockwall County GOP issued a statement regarding HD33 incumbent Justin Holland. Then, Governor Abbott tweeted about Holland even further. And this morning, Mark Davis took up the subject, and Dennis was there to weigh in with his thoughts. Click the headline to hear what Dennis had to say.
London Campaign Releases New Introductory Video
The London campaign has released a new video introducing Dennis, why he's running, and why he is the candidate Texas needs to represent District 33 in Austin.
Link to video HERE
"Shall Not Be Infringed" Clay Shoot Fundraiser - August 31
Join me on Thursday, August 31, 2023 at the Texas Gun Ranch in Terrell for the "Shall Not Be Infringed" Sporting Clay Shoot, with special guest ALLEN WEST who will be joining us. Click the headline above for details and the registration link.
Dallas Express on Dennis London
The Dallas Express has covered the campaign - check out the article by clicking the headline above.
Fiscal Irresponsibility Rating for Incumbent Released
Every year, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility releases ratings of our elected officials. Our State Representative's rating has fallen from last year's C- to an outright "F" rating. And as a reminder, it's the House that appropriates funds for our Texas budget. Click the headline above for the details.
Campaign coverage in Texas Scorecard
Dennis was covered by Texas Scorecard today as they write about the March primary for House District 33. Click the headline for the article.
Dennis talks to Mark Davis, AM 660
I had a little chat with Mark Davis on AM660 The Answer this morning - Click below to listen in.
June 16, 2023 8am Hour - The Mark Davis Show - Omny.fm
AG Paxton Impeached
Click the headline above to hear my take on the impeachment of AG Paxton. This went up on YouTube but not on my page that weekend!
Texas Mileage Tax?!
Click the headline above to view the video I made explaining this proposed Texas Mileage Tax and who voted for it.
I'm talking about HB3418 which was authored by a Democrat and passed out of the House on May5th. It's now in the Senate Transportation Committee - yes...TODAY!! It's going to be heard today. Call the members and tell them that this proposed bill needs to never see the light of day. They can leave it pending in committee so it never gets to the floor for a vote.
The committee members are:
Position | Member |
Chair: | Sen. Robert Nichols |
Vice Chair: | Sen. Royce West |
Members: | Sen. Carol Alvarado |
Sen. Sarah Eckhardt | |
Sen. Kelly Hancock | |
Sen. Phil King | |
Sen. Borris L. Miles | |
Sen. Tan Parker | |
Sen. Charles Perry |
What part of "Shall Not Be Infringed" needs explaining?
Earlier this week two Republicans joined the Democrats on the Community Safety Select House Committee to vote out House Bill 2744, which raises the age for the purchase of certain firearms from 18 to 21. And you guessed it, one of them was my opponent, the long-time establishment HD33 incumbent. Since that vote, my phone's been blowing up asking for my reaction. Click the headline above to watch my short video response.
Has your trust been violated? Check the update to find out.
Texas Republican elected officials in the House continue to reject the principles of the Republican party platform. I've made a short video detailing the latest transgressions of the party platform - click the headline to watch.
Action alert! Senate version of Accessory Dwelling Unit bill in Committee Monday, April 3!
Senate Bill 1412, which is the identical companion bill to House Bill 2789 (the Accessory Dwelling Unit bill) will be heard on Monday, April 3, in the Senate Committee on Local Government.
Click the headline above to get information on how to make your voice heard!
HB2789 Accessory Dwelling Unit Bill Amended
As testimony began Wednesday evening, March 29 on HB 2789, the author presented a "committee substitute" version of the bill for Committee consideration. As of March 30, it is not yet available on the Capitol website.
Click the headline of the article above to read about all the changes and to get a link to the amended version of the bill.
Is there REALLY Property Tax Relief Ahead? Let's DO THE MATH!
CURIOUS about the impact on your wallet from Property Tax relief being proposed this session?
Pro tip: Before you believe what you're being told about how EPIC this relief will be - DO THE MATH.
Let's break it down, shall we? Click the headline above to see your potential savings!
Texas State Rep Files Bill to Make Texas More Like California
Former Californians may be aware of the 2019 laws passed wherein the State of California thumbed its nose at city and county zoning ordinances and local elected officials, and authorized property owners to construct Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) or “granny flats” on their properties – regardless of whether they were only zoned for single-family residential. The laws went even further to streamline permitting and further restrict local government so these ADUs could be built. An explosion of building followed.
In Texas, on February 24, 2023, HB 2789 was filed by the long-time establishment incumbent State Representative Justin Holland, and on March 1, 2023, an identical companion bill SB 1412 was filed in the Senate by Senator Bryan Hughes, with the identical companion bill speeding the process of these bills potentially becoming law later this year.
With these bills, these two Texas legislators are now thumbing their noses at local elected officials who want to control housing density in their communities, and virtually make “single family zoning” a thing of the past.
Watch the video, then click the headline above to get more details – including what YOU can do to stop it.
This Really Ought to Get You Mad!!
As you've heard in my last few news updates, Texas House Republicans (including our long-time establishment incumbent here in House District 33) have voted themselves 5 and 4-day weekends, weeks in a row.
That made me wonder - and you should be wondering too - Are they actually getting PAID when they're not at work? Are House Members collecting Per Diem when they take those 5-day weekends?
Click the headline to find out more......
Review of what happened during the 7th week of the 88th Legislature
My how the time flies! Can you believe the Texas Legislature just wrapped up the 7th week and the House still hasn't organized their committees? In my last post I said we simply can't accept the lame excuse of "we ran out of time". And with the 6th and 7th weeks being where they voted themselves back to back 5-day weekends while the committees aren't organized and ready to actually do any work...you know as well as I do that we're going to hear them say it.
But that isn't even the worst of it! Click the title above to read the full article to find out more.
"There Just Wasn't Enough Time" is an excuse none of us should be buying
Every year, when key conservative legislation doesn't make it across the finish line, we voters hear a familiar refrain "We tried, but we just ran out of time".
Dennis London here to tell you why you shouldn't be buying that excuse this year. First, let's review some of the basic facts:
- The legislature cannot vote on legislation for the first 60 days of the session, EXCEPT for the governor's emergency items and they can't vote on those items until he tells us what they are
- Bills cannot come to the House floor for a vote until they are referred to (and come out of) a committee. The committees must be organized before they can do business, and though the Speaker has made Committee appointments, House committees have not yet done the administrative work they need to do before they can start doing the people's business
- The Texas Constitution requires that if the House wants to adjourn for more than 3 days, it must first pass a resolution allowing them to do so
Now that you know the basics, let me tell you why we can't accept the "not enough time" excuse...
Click the title above for the full article
Speaker of the Texas House appoints Democrats to Committee Chair Positions
Hard to believe that yesterday (Feb 8) the Republican Speaker of the Texas House once again appointed Democrats as committee Chairs. Regardless that 81% of Republican voters stated they wanted to put an end to this moronic practice. Even Texas Democrats openly laugh at this because they know if and when the Democrats were to take back control of the Texas House they would never give any of that power to a Republican...ever!
But he (Dade Phelan) happily gave away 8 standing committee chairs and one select House committee chair for a total of 9 positions of power that control what legislation will and won't see the light of day. Oh, and let's not forget the 22 Democrats he appointed as Vice Chairs. Think about it, 25% of the committees are now chaired and 60% are vice chaired by Democrats...in a Republican led House!
The linked article from Texas Scorecard covers the assignments in greater detail. I highly encourage you to give it a read.
Question - Why is Texas the only state who does this? Think about it, Congress isn't even this stupid......Click the headline above to read more.
HD33 Legislative Priorities Report - Week 4
It's the fourth week of the 88th Legislative Session, and no signs so far that our HD33 Incumbent plans to address any of the Legislative Priorities put forth by the delegates of the Republican Party of Texas last June. But what HAS he done so far? The answer might shock you.....click the headline above to read more.
Dennis London Announces Candidacy for March 2024 Republican Primary
Austin, TX — January 14, 2023 — Standing in front of the Capitol last Thursday, Dennis London announced the launch of his campaign for State Representative in House District 33, encompassing Rockwall and parts of Collin County, for the March 2024 Primary.
Hundreds of Republicans from all over Texas traveled to Austin this week to remind the legislature that 81% of Republican primary voters disapproved of their Republican Speaker handing power to the Democrats by appointing them to powerful committee chair positions. Most arrived on Thursday, anticipating the house rules would be taken up that day, though the newly re-elected Speaker moved the debate on the calendar for Wednesday instead.
Wanting to witness the start of the session, London and his wife arrived in the capitol on Tuesday, so they were present in the gallery as the drama unfolded on Wednesday. They watched as every attempt to amend the House rules to end the practice of minority party committee chairmanships was shut down by not only Democrats but also Republicans who called points of order on the proposed amendments, effectively blocking any discussion or vote on the subject.
The practice of elected Republicans handing power to the opposition party makes no sense to London. “I ask you, if you were a football coach, would you head out before the game and ask your opponent’s defensive coordinator to run your offensive line? That’s exactly what our Speaker does when he lets Democrats chair committees. These chairs have the power to decide whether a bill ever makes it out of committee and onto the floor for a vote. If we want to move the ball down the field, and that’s our Republican legislative priorities, why are we handing them our playbook?”
London also pointed out a contrast between the House Speaker election in Washington D.C., and the one just held in the Texas Capitol. In Washington, McCarthy had zero Democrat votes. In Austin, every Democrat voted for Speaker Phelan. “And why wouldn’t they? They know he is going to share power with them” said London.
“If we want to understand why this is happening, we need to look in the mirror. We are the ones voting for the ‘R’ behind a name but not keeping track of how our elected officials represent us. We continue sending the same people back to Austin while expecting different results”. The solution? “Be a candidate who vows to support Republican priorities – or support one who does. Primaries are the opportunity to draft new talent that will yield more wins for the team. In District 33, I am that candidate”.
House Kills Proposals To Restrict or Ban Democrat Chairs During First Week of 88th Session
The Texan wrote this article about how the House killed the proposals to ban or restrict Democrat chairs during the first week of the 88th Legislative Session in Austin, and Dennis was included in the photo for the article (above, on the right). If you don't already subscribe to the Texan, it is highly worth your while for accurate reporting! Click the headline to view the story.
Texas House Adds Penalty for Breaking Quorum
Dennis traveled to Austin for the start of the session. Click the link for a story about the amendment to House rules which added penalties for breaking quorum for the purposes of impeding House business. The addition of these penalties is a WIN for Republicans. And, read all the way to the end of the article for a quote from Dennis.
What has your Texas Legislature done about School Choice?
A whole lot of nothing- that's what. Our politicians repeatedly emphasize their support for public schools (how many mailers did you get making that claim?). But ask yourself, when was the last time "one size" really DID "fit all"? Should the focus be about supporting schools? or about supporting the best outcome for STUDENTS?
Read more here about how our legislature failed to act on School Choice (a priority of the Republican Party of Texas) during the 2021 session.
Rockwall GOP Holds Candidate Forum - including HD33 State Representative
Blue Ribbon News livestreamed the event, where Congressional District 4, State Representative District 33, and Rockwall County Judge Candidates were featured. Did you miss it? You can watch the recording below! We've started it at the HD33 Candidates.